Dollar stores like Family Dollar are an attractive option for people looking for bargains and ways to save money. The popularity of these stores has been further boosted by the impact of inflation. As of September 2023, the chain had 8,384 stores in 49 US states and territories.

However, concerns about the shopping experience at this well-known budget retail giant have recently increased. Read on to uncover top complaints alerted in Family Dollar reviews, from overcharging to a hostile environment. 

Family Dollar Q&A

Number of Family Dollar reviews – 4.2K

Family Dollar rating* - 2.2⭐⭐

Claimed losses - $2.8M

Successful calls – 3%/10.2K

Resolved issues - 17

  1. Hostile environment
  2. Family Dollar store management
  3. Family Dollar store conditions
  4. Family Dollar store pricing discrepancies
  5. Tips for easy shopping 

1. Hostile Environment

Verbal abuse and harassment experienced by customers at Family Dollar stores is one of the most common complaints. On, customers are frustrated with cases of witnessing fights among employees, throwing items at managers, verbal aggression and abuse towards visitors, etc. 

In one Family Dollar complaint, the customer explained that they just wanted to inquire about a job posting in the store.When addressing the assistant manager, this consumer reports:

…she began to get irate… and began to pursue me yelling and being aggressive at which point I began recording.

According to the reviewer, the level of professionalism in this store “is beyond subpar.” 

In another review, the 60-year-old customer was shocked by the behavior of one of Family Dollar’s employees: 

This employee really made me as if he was very hostile toward customers as a whole needless to say will try not to go to this store and definitely not while he's there…

2. Family Dollar Store Management

While not all Family Dollar stores are reported to have management issues, there are still many reviews with concerns. Non-compliances range from disorganized inventory management leading to unavailability of goods to long checkout lines and unresponsive store staff.

Family Dollar reviews highlight troubles with the incorrect opening hours, multiple cases of closing the store during working hours, problems with the store’s system, messing around employees, and many others. 

For example, in one Family Dollar store in Mentor, Ohio, a consumer notices that the clothing aisle was like a mess: 

clothes all over the floor, hangers on the floor as well as papers, cardboard etc blocking the isle from both ends.

When the customer asked for help, one manager helped them, explaining that 

shes the only one working while the cashiers mess around with the manager and his friends which is why the store is in disarray.


Other shoppers report being “locked in the store” and made to leave. 

3. Poor Family Dollar Store Conditions

Family Dollar unsafe conditions

Family Dollar stores have received numerous complaints from customers regarding their cleanliness and organization. In addition, many online reviews mention inadequate safety and security measures that can lead to disastrous consequences. 

In the recent Family Dollar complaint, a customer who injured a foot and was wearing a boot alleged that:

I nearly tripped and fell in one of the aisles because there were boxes and merchandise laying on the floor and there was not a clear path for us to walk.

4. Family Dollar Store Pricing Discrepancies

Family Dollar prices discrepancies

Family Dollar stores frequently provide discounts, promotions, and coupons to entice customers. However, consumers often report discrepancies between the labeled and actual prices of products. In other cases, cashiers fail to apply discounts and promotions correctly, resulting in overcharging shoppers.

One frustrated customer claimed to be overcharged - the price they paid “was $1.50 more than listed price.” When they came back for the refund, a cashier wanted them to pay for their products first. What they again noticed is that 

I was overcharged.40 cents each on the candy bars and also &1.00 extra for cat food.

Tips for Easy Shopping at Family Dollar Stores

Family Dollar stores offer a variety of affordable products, but shopping experiences vary greatly from store to store. Many shoppers have expressed concerns about issues such as rude and unacceptable employee behavior, safety conditions, poor management, and overcharging. 

There are steps you can take to improve your shopping experience at Family Dollar:

  • Re-consider your needs and expectations before shopping, and opt only if you believe the Family Dollar is a safe store in your local area.
  • Read Family Dollar reviews and ask local customers for feedback about their experience with the store.
  • If you experienced any issue, share your Family Dollar complaint on a review website or social pages online to help warn others.

The decision to shop at Family Dollar stores or any other retailer depends entirely on your preferences and wishes. Customers can drive improvements by staying informed and advocating for a better shopping experience. 

If you have encountered problems with Family Dollar or just want to share your positive experiences, you may leave a review on our website.

*The company ratings on the PissedConsumer website are calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in the company’s profile. The algorithm parameters are: users’ rating, the number of resolved issues, the number of company responses and more. The PissedConsumer algorithm is also subject to change in the future.

Legal disclaimers:

  1. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide any legal, medical, accounting, investment or any other professional advice as individual cases may vary and should be discussed with a corresponding expert and/or an attorney.
  2. All or some image copyright belongs to the original owner(s). No copyright infringement intended.

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Anonymous #11970
They have a store in my town where the store manager goes to x employees homes drunk telling them they want to beat up x employees and flip it around and go after current employees just because they did not come to work also this store manager has slandered 2 employees for 4 months after they were fired and when the DM was presented with proof of this has done nothing but reword that store manager and this store manager is still doing these things it is wrong
Linda Nelson #11977
I had problems with family dollars a while back the one on I-10 and Lockwood Dr dever harbor I got charged twice for the same items and the argument became with him lying about he didn't and had the same receipt twice and put my money in his pocket and I was running late but I call to report that thief to the company and they never did anything about them charging peoples twice and pocketing the money what the steal I feel sorry for a old person are a person don't they will beat them out they money all the time and nothing get done about they got me for $37 and something cent I can't really remember how much it was exactly but I know $37
Donald Smith #11985
I m 67 yr,s badly crippled in my hands and legs.on.0/08/23 this young woman befor I could explain how I wanted to do my paying she cut me off and started argueing with me.she started moving back the lighters etc. like I was going to steal them.I told her every one don,t steal.she said She was just cleaning up.(while checking me out!) I tryed to explain to let me know when I hit $51.more arguing,(if she would of let me finish explaining I was going to tell her I only had $51 in food stamps to then go on and finish up in cash so not to mix things up for her) but oh no she looked at me when I first came in like I was a street bum (which street people have feelings also but on bad times) and no funds.she recoiled from my hat I left in my cloth bag like it was dirty and full of bugs.did,nt barther to give me time to dump my bag out befor saying could I empty my bag.she could clearly see that I was crippled. a remark she made was OLD PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN TO TALK TO PEOPLE..More to the pioint old people should be seen not hard..she never said that but actions shows! I started adio recording after that.more but tird.
pgcotype #11986
I never go there. If you're looking for better customer service, competent cashiers, and an organized store, try to go to Dollar General. DG's prices are either the same price or less expensive! If you need to look for clothes in very good condition, consider a consignment store (or an app) for that. Neither will sell anything that's in bad condition. If there's anything wrong with something you want to buy, they'll tell's usually something like a missing button on the cuff.
Tom #11996
It's not only Family Dollar that does that Dollar General is the same way at the Dollar General I used to live by there were always carts in the middle of the aisles some aisles you couldn't even get down to get what you need have reported this to Dollar General numerous times and nothing was ever done about it
Jill J Marshall #12021
I also have seen a lot of negative stuff! I might not speak Spanish but you know when your being called something negative! I think Family dollar is not worth working at or shopping at and I make sure nobody in my family steps foot in those stores!! What is this world coming to????
Connie2cats #12022
I know all about Family Dollar! I used to work at a nearby store in the late 70's or early 80's but it had closed since then! I had no one to watch my young son after my mom passed away , so he would come to the store after school to help out but one day, the manager said he couldn't come anymore because of store policy! So, I quit! But I soon found another job but I had to take the bus! Family Dollar was in walking distance, on the same block as my house but down on the highway! I remember the problems the store had! From shop lifting, to scamming money to clothes and merchandise on the floor! I don't shop at Family Dollar, since I don't drive anymore! (The store had moved outside my town!)
Vicki #12028
I love our family dollar here in Rittman ohio! Friendly ,clean and great prices! Not like dollar general! I won't go in that store. Very dirty and congested.
Marlene Fudge #12029
Milroy Indiana Family Dollar is very clean and the employees are always friendly.
Debra Harmon #12031
I know all about Family Dollar I worked there for almost 7 years and was an assistant manager for 4 of those years until I had enough. Back to the complaints not all Family Dollars are the same and neither is all management.
Jeff Bullock #12033
I'm experiencing the same thing with Krogers at them with square you want to talk about disgusting go in that place there's water on the floor food on the floor employees are mostly rude or high those prostitutes in the parking lot drug dealing crews is an anchor store they can really clean that plaza up if they wanted to but corporate just doesn't want to
Davis Bliss #12049
Since the end of the Covid 19 emergency, prices on many items at my local Family Dollar have risen to the point that it is no longer offering significant savings over local grocery stores. Prices on many food items, as well as pet supplies, have risen of 100%.
Marilyn Bell #12054
I have been to many Family Dollar Stores from California to East Texas, the employees and management have always been friendly, Happy to help and always efficient. I am not, nor have I ever been employed by Family Dollar, but I am a very happy consumer.
Anonymous #12074
I agree about the prices often ringing up higher than what is posted on the shelf.Happens way too often
Anonymous #12078
And just think this is just the comments that people chose to put here and I'm sure there's a lot more pissed off customers because all the stores that I've went to in the twin cities area most of them were very rude and considerate and downright hostile family Dollar needs to reconsider and check the background of the individuals that they're hiring
Dell Dell #12101
The store in Aledo, Texas is a pretty trashy store too. A few of the people working there are nice, but there’s a few who are rude
Ricky ramos #12123
I have worked at one of the dollar stores this article is about, in a city named Victorville California, as n assistant manager, for 2 years maybe under by a few months, and what u experienced there as an assistant manager is that there is that the top managers of all the stores only allow 2 employees to carry on a whole 8 hour work day, 2 employees do you believe that ? So the stress and the tension is very high for the employees, I've seen and experienced angry customers as well demanding and stealing everyday there, I've worked were the lines would get so long and 1 cashier to attend to all the customers while the other employee is on the floor working, by then you have to call the other employee to the register to help out with the lines, of an angry mob customer line, and I'm not exaggerating either after 15 minutes of standing in a line the customers literally turn into an angry mob, cussing at the cashier to hurry up, and when you call for the second worker they always come to help with an attitude, the safes at closing are timed to open 15 minutes after you set them to open so if the place was getting robbed more than likely the robber would grow impatient and do something to you because of the timers on the safes that open 15 minutes later, it's a Un safe environment to be in, you risk your life daily working at those dollar stores, I quit because 90 percent of the customers only go there to steal, and if you call the police to come when someone is caught stealing it takes a while before they get there, the buisness accross the street from the dollar general I worked for go robbed, that was enough for me after that I quit
Unknown #12170
They allow people in their store to use the word nigga their employees l guess because it happened to me and nothing was done about it until this day and the store was full of people and that was the embarrassing I see why them people be getting their a. Kicked
Linda #12171
I also. Spend a lot of money in that store amonth but I won't anymore and will have to take this further and no one ever contacted me and they also gave me fake district managers numbers
Anonymous #12178
My overall complaint with the DOLLAR on Miami Blvd, Durham, NC is the cashiers. Although I still go to that $ there r days that a checkout line will be 50% full but only one cashier at a cash register. The others (mostly females) r in the managers office doing nothing but gossiping. No one comes out of the office periodically to see if the cashier needs help. The few that does comes out walks right pass her after a brief eye survey keeps on walking with no intentions of opening another line until the other cashier pages someone."Sad but it's true."