Winnie Murugi
Winnie Murugi
Health and Beauty Expert

Millions of buyers visit to buy unique, handmade items from thousands of sellers across the globe. The platform transacts billions every year. However, there are numerous complaints about poor Etsy customer service. Buyers and sellers want to know how to call Etsy support number or the best ways to contact their customer service. 

This article explores the various ways to contact Etsy customer service for help. It concisely answers whether there is an Etsy support phone number to call or whether you can reach the company via email, live chat, and social media.

Here is an overview of the Etsy reviews and ratings on

Etsy Q&A

Number of Etsy reviews – 10.1K

Etsy rating* – 1.8⭐⭐

Etsy claimed losses – $1.9M

Successful calls – 5%/55.2K

Resolved issues – 74

  1. Is Etsy legit?
  2. How to contact Etsy by phone?
  3. How to contact customer service by email?
  4. How to chat with customer support via Help Center?
  5. How to contact Etsy customer service via social networks?

1. Is Etsy Legit? is a global online marketplace for unique and creative items. The American e-commerce platform has been in business since 2005. It specializes in the sale of vintage items, crafts, and handmade pieces.

Sellers can set up shop at only $0.20 per listing, while buyers can sign up and buy from different sellers. Sellers are also charged a 5% commission fee and a standard PayPal payment processing fee.

When it comes to Etsy ratings and customer reviews, consumers like the wide range of unique products to choose from. Many have had a great experience buying or selling there, but others wonder, "Is Etsy legit?".

On PissedConsumer, it is rated 1.9 stars. There are numerous Etsy complaints on by both buyers and sellers. Most revolve around poor customer service, shipping and deliveries, and account issues.

Etsy complaints by buyers include:

  • sellers canceling orders for no reason;
  • difficulty contacting sellers;
  • difficulty contacting Etsy support;
  • delays in order fulfillment and shipping;
  • items never delivered;
  • unexplained charges;
  • poor customer service by the sellers;
  • difficulty logging in to their Etsy account.

Etsy complaints by sellers include:

  • unexplained account closure by Etsy;
  • payments put on hold;
  • difficulty contacting Etsy customer service;
  • difficulty logging into their Etsy account;
  • rude and excessively demanding customers.

For instance, in Etsy review #2520816, the customer narrates his frustration with one seller. The Etsy seller was initially responsive when the customer was making an order but became unresponsive after payment was made. The customer attempted to contact Etsy customer service to help him resolve the issue, but he did not receive any help.

…on March 20th I contacted Dil Bahadur custom knife shop about him making me a knife I sent him the pic I wanted he said he could build it it would cost me $ 220.00…

…after receiving the money he said thankyou and he would get started on knife and update me as of today not heard anything from him…

In another Etsy review (#2968024), a seller complained about their account being banned without warning.

my account has been closed permanently i am a new seller i am a newbie maybe i may have violated a rule without knowing it i want my account to be opened

2. How to Contact Etsy By Phone?

Currently, there is no Etsy support phone number to call. Neither are there clear instructions on how to call Etsy customer service on both the sellers and buyers' FAQ sections. The question arises: "How do I speak to someone at Etsy?"

Some time back, the Etsy customer service phone number (844-935-3879) was available as an option to contact customer support for specific issues. However, it is no longer available on the website, as evidenced by several Etsy reviews on PissedConsumer.

With that said, some reviewers indicate that they were able to call Etsy support number but did not get to talk to a live person. They do not indicate the Etsy customer service phone number they called. For example, in review #2896886, the customer managed to call Etsy helpline directly to cancel an order that they had not authorized. They were put on hold for 10 minutes, left their phone number but did not receive any Etsy help.

On the sellers' page, the company indicates that sellers can leave their phone number for an Etsy customer service representative to get back. Nevertheless, it is not clear where the seller should leave their phone number.

Etsy phone number sellers page

3. How to Contact Etsy Customer Service by Email?

There is no Etsy customer service email address listed on the website. However, you can use the "Email us" option provided for various issues to contact Etsy support.

Etsy email us option

If you click on the option, you will be provided with a contact form where you are required to describe the issue in as much detail as possible. Once you send the form, Etsy customer support will get back to you within two business days.

If you need Etsy help with an order, but can't find it on your account, check for the order's transaction confirmation on your email. The transaction confirmation is usually sent from the Etsy customer service email: Once you sign in to your Etsy account, the transaction should have connected to your account.

Etsy help with order email

For legal issues such as copyright infringement, write to the Etsy email address provided on the terms and conditions page.

Etsy notice requirements email

4. How to Chat with Etsy Customer Support Via Help Center?

Earlier in 2020, their support offered an Etsy live chat option, as evidenced by reviews (#1926985). But, there seems to be no Etsy chat feature at the moment. At least, it is not available on the Etsy Help Center. Multiple reviews on PissedConsumer further collaborate that there is no Etsy customer service chat option (review #4353109).

Etsy live chat review

However, the Etsy Help Center is quite elaborate and provides answers to the most common customer questions. You can access it through the website or on the Etsy app.

Nevertheless, some customers encounter issues that are not highlighted in the Etsy Help Center that would need in-person assistance. Since there is no Etsy customer service chat option for immediate assistance, customers have to fill out a contact form, where applicable. Or, they still can try to contact support via the Etsy customer service email.

Some buyers are keen to find out how to contact Etsy about a seller. According to, buyers should first attempt to contact sellers about the issue. However, if it is futile, they can then contact Etsy about the seller. The platform serves as a mediator between the buyer and the seller to resolve the issue. You can open a case for two main issues: non-delivery issues and not-as-described cases.

Etsy issue resolution page

Steps for Contacting Etsy About a Seller

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Under "Purchases and Reviews," click on the order that has an issue.
  3. Select "Help with Order."
  4. Then select "Still Need Help."
  5. Choose "Yes, I want to Open a Case."
  6. Select a reason for opening the case and provide as much detail about the issue as possible.
  7. Submit.

Once you have opened the case, allow three days for the seller to resolve it. If they do not, escalate the case to Etsy customer support to review the issue.

How to open a case on Etsy

Unfortunately, some reviews indicate despite reaching out to about a seller, some buyers did not receive the help they needed (e.g., review #2968660).

5. How to Contact Etsy Customer Service Via Social Networks? has social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Etsy support is most active on the Twitter page. Although the company once had a dedicated Etsy customer support help page on Twitter (@Etsyhelp), they no longer monitor it. Customers now contact Etsy for help on the main page.

To reach out to the company on Twitter, you can tweet them or initiate an Etsy chat by sending them a direct message. There are numerous Etsy complaints on the Twitter page about poor customer service. Often customers do not get help, or the representative takes too long to respond to the Etsy chat messages. When they respond, customers are asked to provide details of the issue through a direct message.

The Twitter page does not provide alternative contact methods such as an Etsy support phone number or email address. As such, some customers question, "Is Etsy legit?".

For example, in an Etsy review on Twitter, the customer pointed out the company's poor customer service. They had not received any Etsy help 15 days after reaching out.

Etsy customer support reply on Twitter


On its website, the company claims to provide Etsy customer support 24/7. Unfortunately, numerous reviews across Reddit and PissedConsumer indicate otherwise. While the Etsy Help Center is comprehensive, it does not address all buyers' and sellers' issues.

There are limited channels for contacting There is no Etsy customer service live chat or phone number option to get immediate help. For email correspondence, you need to fill out an Etsy contact form if it is available for your issue. On Twitter, Etsy support is slow to respond and does not address customer issues.

What has been your experience with Etsy customer service? Leave a review on

*The company ratings on the PissedConsumer website are calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in the company’s profile. The algorithm parameters are: users’ rating, the number of resolved issues, the number of company responses and more. The PissedConsumer algorithm is also subject to change in the future.

Legal disclaimers:

  1. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide any legal, medical, accounting, investment or any other professional advice as individual cases may vary and should be discussed with a corresponding expert and/or an attorney.
  2. All or some image copyright belongs to the original owner(s). No copyright infringement intended.

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Lynn #3326
Etsy has been holding my money since Aug 2021 says it was to be deposited feb7th and guess what still nothing they are a rip off they owe me 1079.00 and you can’t even talk to anyone on the phone..
Lynette Barrett #3376
And still holding my money 1,079.39 for 7 months they are a rip off and now I will be contacting a lawyer and suing them. Let’s all get together if they have you money let’s get them good
jennifer hebert #4274
I had the same issue BUT I figured out that the credit card that I had on file was expired. They had over $24,000 in my account and I had no idea why it would not send to my bank....I found something that said to make sure that your credit card is up to date--mine was expired--once I updated it, the money was in my account almost the next day.Try that solution and see if that is your issue
Lynette Barrett #3375
Etsy has been holding my 1,079.39 for 7 months I have emailed them a million times and I had to open and account just to get live chat and bam they won’t tell me why they have my money and not releasing it.. this company is is taking everyone’s money. You can’t speak to anyone not even on the phone how are they getting away with this. I think we need a post on taking them to court they are cheating use sellers. We need to take action on them.
gerald mech #3426
i have been trying for 3 hours to find out how do i list an item i have a account i go to my shop manager page and it states to go to more ,their is nothing like that ,i am using a hp desk top computer thanks jerry
Francesca bas #3473
Hello my name is Francesca. I had a shop on Etsy for a short period of 2 months and then delited my account along with the email I was using for my business which I shut down because it failed. I recently reactivated the email to find dozens of “Etsy bills” abs I’m very confused and worried because I didn’t even make one sale which is why I deleted the account and idk what to do now because there must be some error in the system
Lorraine Rosenboom #3630
I’m locked out of my account and can’t get to my files or buy anything and also can’t reach anyone at customer service
Agueda Encarnacion #3657
I send 3 items, got 1 and paid for all 3.
Beth Harrington #3678
I am trying to contact seller from Desert Studio about a return and can't reach. I want to return some earrings as they are way too small. For some reason I am unable to upload a photo of the earrings and I can't send my request for a return without the photo.Is there a phone number I can call? How can I make this happen. It is very frustrating not to be able to get in touch with the sellers on Etsy.Please reply ASAPBeth Harrington
Anonymous #3690
Hi, ive been a seller on Etsy for a couple years now, i started because it was originally affordable for small artists like me to create, sell, and build a business of our dreams. and it DID, but now my interest in having a store on this platform has been declining the past 7 months to a year. i've come to realize this platform uses all avoidance tactics like: disconnect their "support" numbers, dont respond back to emails or concerns, point you to other SELLERS to ask for help or to fix things etsy is actually responsible for, and then they charge you a fee on top of taking minimum 40% of each item sold(my experience anyway). i repeatedly try to contact them about it, a buyer, i love etsy. as a seller, i just feel constantly taken advantage of. aside from the brilliant creators and artists that actually provide quality products and make etsy what it is, the individuals behind running the platform essentially do nothing to help them, just sit in the background and collect money for services they don't provide.if it did say somewhere in their policy that they do this and by "agreeing to terms and conditions, you are stating you're aware this is happening" anyone in their right mind would NOT have agreed to it. its like "you knew we were going to take aadvantage of you, charge you for services we don't provide, change fees without notice, and you agreed to that so uh... tough shit."is there another platform that wont take advantage of the people actually making them money?
Pissed Seller #3854
Etsy has "biases"Number 1....Eysy collects taxes from every Sale from customers....Has ANYONE ever wondered where the taxes go....???Etsy does NOT liked to be asked about TAXES....they will punish you & your business. By freezing your Act Or shutting your business down...Number 2...You can complaint for a year...AND....Etsy..."Never" Solve your problem...especially when it's Etsy fault...Number 3.Etsy is a very vindictive company...Sellers are NOT REALLY ALLOWED to ask about those rules that are like "overcharges".... Or "taxes".... They will FREEZE your account...OR SHUT DOWN your account....
John Alexander #3693
My account is all messed up! Can't talk to Etsy!!
Anonymous #3728
I live in the US, and possession of raptor parts (feathers, wings, claws, the whole bird) or any migratory bird is illegal -- people can get huge fines and even jail time if found in possession of these items. There are hundreds if not more Etsy sellers from Europe and Russian countries allowed to sell claws, feathers, whole wings, whole birds, stuff made from the bird parts, into the US - from species that are protected here in the US.Once they are here, how do they prove that the bird was killed somewhere in Poland or Ukraine?I contacted Etsy AND the sellers, and received a "go *** yourself" from the sellers, telling me Etsy allows it... and I never received anything from Etsy
William McLester #3762
I made an order on Feb27still have not received it, and a dis connected phone is bullshit! Y'all took my money and it's telling me that there's no info on the tracking # I want someone to contact me back immediately!
Amy Renick #3796
I am convinced that there is some fraudulent activity going on with Etsy. My account apparently got "hacked" also, and the seller has not responded to multiple messages letting him know I did not make the purchase, and after 48 hours I "opened a case" with Etsy to which I have also received no response. I had to cancel my credit card and will be writing a complaint letter to the BBB, Consumer Affairs and the Attorney General and I encourage other buyers with the same type issues to do the same. If there is fraudulent activity going on there, it needs to be investigated. Etsy has left their loyal customers with no option for assistance or help in not providing a phone number or alternate means of communication. What is to keep sellers from making fraudulent charges and reaping the benefits? I was a very loyal Etsy customer but, no longer. I will be making no more purchases from them.
Etsy Steals from buyers #3856
A lot of buyers do not realize...that Etsy charges taxes to cutomers...AND over charges fees to Sellers...Etsy is a very fraudulent & vindictive Company...PLUS...Certain big companies ARE ALLOWED to Sell commercial merchandise...Which hurts "Handmade" companies...
From Hawaii #3838
Etsy! I'm about to deactivate my account and find somewhere else to sell my items! I can not for the life of me find a human to talk to, no chat, follow the rules and submit requests through email...WHY...they do not respond!! I have pressing issues that need a response!! Etsy if you are reading this, know that your Seller's work hard, you make money off them, they need help sometimes! I found this thread because I was trying yet once again to find a phone number, heck even eBay will answer your call or call you back in a few minutes!! I am so frustrated! So frustrated that I never post on these sites, but I just had to because it's so freaking rediculous! It's like no one works there or something! AND now I know I am not the only one! I have had customers purchase and then come back and say exactly what someone said below...I did not make this purchase please refund me! I'm like what is going on?! It's obviously easy to get hacked on this site which is very scary and then if you do you're totally 100% on your own because you have to click this and that and go here and there and OMG...yup, super frustrating!!
Geraldine Lee Dohs #3855
Will u please send my order to my email? Unable to get my order.
Bessie Prapas April 12 #3921
I tried to purchase an item through Etsy. I got a notification that my account is suspended and I was never told. I always use pay to pay for Etsy products . PayPal is still active. No contact fro Etsy in this issue
Paul #3927
I have a purple princess diana beanie baby i,d like to sell, in excellent condition. It has never been used and is in a plastic cube.Please advise
Gisela elkin #4179
Why did I get 20 cent charge
Blanche #4241
The PDF listings are the worst on Etsy. I have yet to receive 2/2 I ordered. No customer device, the app is a mess, no help, no reply. I went to help with order, and the only buttons are to select problem and message the seller. Once you have done that, you’re basically just dealing with the store. No Etsy customer support. It boasts that if there is no reply within 48 hours you can “go back” (which you can’t) and open a case. Nope. Then when you send another message, in my case 10 days later, the message is date stamped 24 hours from the last message. I am still waiting! At what point does the “open a case” button pop up?
Tracy Ann Thomas #4466
Rebecca #4478
I have been locked out of my account. My account was hacked and they made charges on my account and changed all my passwords and set up the two step authentication to their phone. Etsy put a hold on my account and I just have to wait. I have been waiting. I can't get an answer or find out how long this will take. I am a seller and I have orders to fill, but can't even access them. If those customers search my page now, it shows it doesn't exist because of the hold. Etsy says they have no way to contact the customers.....but those customers are shopping on Etsy accounts. I'll end up losing the orders and receiving negative reviews. When i selected the call back option, i ask the guy for the number to call fraud....they don't use phones. They wait for email responses when they can respond.
Lynette #5890
Currently having this same issue. Been trying to get it corrected for over a month. I actually asked them to close my shop and that hasn't happened either. Fortunately, I found a way to directly contact the buyer and explain my situation. I hope they have better luck getting a refund than I've had trying to get my account either unlocked or closed