The common opinion that being a student is a perfect time to enjoy your freedom hardly correlates with reality. You know this for sure since too many things require your attention and control. You must manage your time effectively to balance your personal life and studying. What’s more, you might work part-time to secure your finances. Of course, you can't afford to waste your time and money. Let’s discuss some tips to avoid scams and use the potential of online resources to the fullest.

Research before purchasing

Wasting money in college is definitely not your goal, so be ready to start an investigation. Check customer reviews on several platforms. Some services may post positive comments but completely ignore unsatisfied ones. Meanwhile, you’re likely to find real people's stories on forums or review platforms like and Reddit. Services representing essay writers for hire often make appealing offers, and unbiased opinions will help you decide if that’s how students can save money. Remember: not many businesses aim to protect student finances, so the responsibility is all yours. 

But first, here are two extra tips: check website authenticity and look for transparency. These criteria are less time-consuming than evaluating customer reviews, browsing through which can take hours. Website authenticity is about its design and clear contact information. Are those behind the screen interested in creating a user-friendly environment and guiding you through all helpful features? Can you easily find a pricing table and instructions for placing your order? 

Uncertainty after pressing an order button is a red flag. Reliable services tell you who will write your order and how long it will take. Although names are not always mentioned, you deserve to know that your assistant has a corresponding background. 

Avoid unrealistic promises

Don’t rush to cancel any service, but unrealistic promises are a solid reason to be wary. Let’s examine several examples:

  • Guaranteed A+ results! Professional writers can promise to do their best and strictly follow the instructions, but they can’t influence your professor’s verdict. You, as a customer, should realize that writers are also people, and their mastery has limits. Especially in cases where the right answer requires visiting all previous lectures on a subject. Of course, professionals also realize such simple truths and won’t promise you the highest mark.
  • Instant delivery for any assignment! Obviously, even the most experienced writer needs some time to craft a one-page essay. Completing a high-quality paper takes at least several hours. Furthermore, you’ll likely have to wait a bit more since you can’t be the only client of a reputable writer. Promises of instant delivery may point to poor quality or indicate that the people behind the screen hardly know what they are doing at all.
  • Lowest price with no risk! Well, some may investigate a market and proudly declare that their services are the cheapest. However, nobody can eliminate all risks. Returning to your professors, they may simply be in a bad mood while reading your essay! What professional writers can do is minimize all the risks by demonstrating dedication and attention to detail. You’ll recognize a good paper once you see it, thanks to proper formatting, perfect grammar, and standardized structure. 

Dedicate extra attention to payment security

First, prioritize familiar payment methods like PayPal. Needless to say, a service that only accepts cryptocurrency is a solid red flag. Second, examine refund policies. Trustworthy services offer money-back guarantees if you are not satisfied with an order. Of course, there may be disputes if the writer approaches an order professionally and strictly follows your instructions, but they can’t force you to pay for poorly executed tasks. 

Finally, you’d better ensure there are no extra fees. In the best-case scenario, paying more for no reason is simply unpleasant. In the worst-case scenario, additional charges can harm your budget planning in the long term. 

What about quality and plagiarism?

You should ask yourself this question and look for guarantees. Trustworthy services commonly offer samples, but relying on them to get a complete picture may be too risky. Nevertheless, you may want to know more about people completing orders. Are they also students? Have they already graduated? How many years have they dedicated to writing college essays like yours? At least an answer for the last question you usually can get without complications. 

Services with solid ethics practice regular quality checks to minimize the risk of inaccuracies. They also check completed orders for plagiarism before submitting them. You should have an opportunity to ask for a plagiarism report and a free revision if doubts still arise.

Test customer support

Reputable services value their customers and gladly offer additional assistance. You may send a message before purchasing an essay to check response time. Ideally, services offer 24/7 support to address your concerns and help you navigate a system. They state your order’s status, inform you about the progress, and warn about any delays. Writers may also have questions and ask you for clarifications by email or phone.

Actually, established communication channels are an undeniable green flag. This point indicates that writers are open to your suggestions and ready to fix any nuances. Don’t be afraid of phone calls. Usually, the support department turns to them to clarify details if the deadline is rapidly approaching and the writer fears not managing your order in time. 

Wrapping up

Well, so many tips make choosing a scrupulous service look like a challenge! It may be the one, but the right choice guarantees that all your effort will pay off. You’ll discover a trustworthy service ready to assist you in hopeless situations. Having something to rely on is an enormous relief. If you struggle to find an online page that corresponds to the criteria mentioned above, consider exploring offline assistance opportunities. For instance, many colleges offer free academic writing help or encourage student communities aimed at mutual aid.


This article is contributed by Matilda Genao. The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this article are strictly those of the author(s). They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of

Matilda Genao

Matilda Genao

Matilda Genao is an author and educational services professional working at Bid4Papers. She researches issues of academic integrity and helps students avoid unscrupulous services by providing practical advice on choosing reliable educational resour

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