Rebecca Garland
Rebecca Garland
Business and Education Expert

Facebook is immensely popular, but there are some drawbacks to the popular social media app. Chief among these is the difficulties customers have with calling the Facebook customer service number. Users are having a hard time when they try to contact Facebook, and that brings many of them to PissedConsumer looking for answers or alternative means to get in touch.

Facebook Questions and Answers

Number of Facebook reviews – 81.8K

Facebook rating* – 1.8⭐⭐

Claimed losses – $85M

Successful calls – 23%/570K

Resolved issues – 704

It can be tougher than you’d think to contact Facebook by phone. Fortunately, there are other ways to get in touch with the Facebook Help Center that may be a bit more successful. From automated help menus to speaking with representatives, we’ll take you through the Facebook customer service options.

Is Facebook Customer Service Good?

Facebook is a large company with a well-known, heavily used app. You’d be right to think that customer service is a large part of what the company does, but it can be frustrating to contact Facebook if you don’t know the right channels to use. Facebook Help Center features heavily in reviews left online about the company.

In her video review, one user explains how she got caught in a Facebook scam. A scammer, posing as a friend, convinced her to send funds and her personal information to take control of her account and scam others using her account. Among her Facebook complaints, the reviewer notes that she clicked on the security links sent by Facebook and found them expired.

She then tried to call Facebook support “was told to resend my ID, which I did and STILL NOTHING WAS DONE!!” At the time of writing, her issue with Facebook customer service is still unresolved.

Another reviewer (#4080988) recently posted that her Facebook account has been hijacked by someone who now has access to her son’s pictures. She claims that the hacker is “putting my family in jeopardy.” 

She hopes that Facebook customer support can find the person who took over the account and get her “account back to its rightful owner.” She ends her review by stating that if customer service can’t do that, they are “not doing your job.

Facebook user review

This reviewer is hoping that Facebook support comes through for her and her family’s safety. However, the sheer volume of complaints on PissedConsumer about accounts being hacked and hijacked with no resolution may not bode well for her issue.

Another reviewer (#4080142) has a similar issue without resolution by customer support. She had her Facebook account hacked and took the necessary steps required by Facebook to have it restored. According to her, it is still locked, and she feels that Facebook “needs to upgrade and actually be there for their customers!

Facebook user feedback

What are Facebook Pros and Cons?

Facebook has become a commonplace way to stay in touch with friends, family, and companies. Businesses are using Facebook as a platform for customer engagement, and Facebook users can build communities around their interests, both commercial and not.

Of course, there are some Facebook pros and cons. There are a few areas where Facebook doesn’t come through quite as strongly. As with any online platform, there are bullies and technical difficulties. Facebook has struggled to stay ahead of customer service issues as well. It can be hard to contact Facebook support at times.

Facebook Pros

  • Connecting with friends and family
  • Storage for pictures and information
  • Socialization
  • Business development
  • Networking

Facebook Cons

  • Poor customer service
  • Security issues
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Logging in issues
  • Difficulties restoring account

How to Call Facebook Support?

Customers are frustrated when they try to call Facebook support. When they do get on the phone to try to figure out how to call Facebook support, they often are given the runaround by an automated phone answering service.

The Facebook customer service number does not show up easily on the social media platform. If you dig enough, you can find the local Facebook customer service phone number for the company in Palo Alto. You can try calling the Facebook support number at 650-543-4800 and 650-308-7300, but you are likely to be unsatisfied with the results.

When you try to contact Facebook this way, you won’t reach a person. Instead, you’ll be caught in a cycle of recorded options asking you to email or to click on a “Help” link that doesn’t actually appear at the bottom of the page. Thousands of Facebook reviews have shared how frustrating this sort of loop can be. But if you can’t get answers over the phone, you still get other ways to contact Facebook customer service.

How to Contact Facebook Customer Support via Social Networks? is among the first social media websites, so it makes sense that you can contact Facebook customer service through social media channels. If the Facebook customer service number was useless for you, try contacting their support via social media.

Facebook Twitter (@Facebook) – The account is active and allows options for tweets and replies. If you have a Twitter account, you can contact Facebook this way. It may not be a Facebook support number, but it might give you a public platform for a serious complaint.

Facebook Instagram (@Facebook)– Facebook and Instagram are linked, so you may be able to send messages and find support through this channel as well.

Facebook Help Center ( – It is available through the Facebook app or website. In the Help Center, you can find articles and how-to information about common issues. Additionally, you can follow action links for help with specific issues. Many of the Facebook reviews on PissedConsumer address hacking, for instance. If you follow the links in the Help Center, you can find the necessary information about dealing with suspicious activity and reporting hacking.

Facebook Help Center

How to Contact Facebook Customer Service via Email?

It is possible to contact Facebook customer service through email. If you listen to the recorded messages when you call the Facebook customer service phone number, you do get some information on email addresses. The Facebook email address in those messages is if you are with the media or if you are with law enforcement. Neither of those is the Facebook email address you are looking for if you have issues with your account.

How to Get Help From Facebook?

To contact Facebook, you would do best through the Help center on your account. It’s not a specific Facebook email address, but it does work in a way similar to sending an email. To send a Facebook complaint this way, start by logging into your account.

Then look for a downward-facing arrow on the top right. From there you can either “Give Feedback” about a problem with the system or click on “Help & Support” for additional assistance.

Facebook settings

After clicking on Help & Support, you have the option to send a message to the Support Inbox. This works like a Facebook email and is a good way to ask about a specific problem. You can also Report a Problem which is a more generic form about issues with the platform.

Facebook support inbox

Once you’ve clicked on Report a Problem, you’ll see an option to either Help us improve Facebook or to let them know Something went wrong.

give feedback to Facebook

This option is designed to allow you to report a broken feature of the site. While not a Facebook support number, it does provide a nice opportunity to leave a detailed response about something you’ve encountered with the site.

how can we improve window

There is a long drop-down list of choices about why you’ve decided to contact Facebook support. Then you can include a detailed report of what happened along with a screenshot of what you’re seeing on your end.

Once you’ve completed the report, you’ll submit it and wait for a response from Facebook customer service. While you are waiting, you can also browse the Facebook Help Center to see additional information you can find.

If you do select Support Inbox, you can see information about reports you’ve made and messages from Facebook about your account.

Facebook support inbox message

At the very bottom of the Support Inbox is an option to send a new message to the Facebook support team. This is the button you would click to send an email-like message.

How to Use Facebook Help Center?

The Facebook Help Center is a great way to get information about issues you might be having with the site without having to try and contact a customer service representative. The Facebook Help Center is designed to provide information for site users, allowing them to avoid having to contact Facebook support directly.

To use the Facebook Help Center, start by clicking on the small arrow under your profile picture in the top right corner of the Facebook screen. Then select Help and Support.

From there you should select Help Center. This will open the Facebook Help Center in a new tab.

Inside the Facebook Help Center, you can browse topics or search for something specific that you might be having issues with using the search bar. The main page also offers six popular topics like Account Settings, Login and Password, Privacy and Security, Pages, Groups and Marketplace. There is a section if you have questions about Security or Login information.

By clicking on the Login and Password option, you can fix login issues and reset your password without having to wait for Facebook support assistance.

Facebook Help Center categories

There are so many great ways to use your Facebook account. You can keep up with friends and family members, join groups, follow videos or share your story life. You can even sell things through the Facebook marketplace. With so many ways to use the social media app, it’s frustrating when you get locked out or need help from the Facebook Help Community. Whether you’re calling or trying to chat with Facebook support, it’s natural to want help when you need it most.

To share your experience or issues with Facebook, please write a review on

*Disclaimer: Ranking and statistics are based on our users’ review texts and PissedConsumer posters’ reviews. Also, a company’s rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in the profile, including users’ rating, the number of resolved issues, the number of company’s responses, etc. The algorithm is subject to change in the future.

Legal disclaimers:

  1. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide any legal, medical, accounting, investment or any other professional advice as individual cases may vary and should be discussed with a corresponding expert and/or an attorney.
  2. All or some image copyright belongs to the original owner(s). No copyright infringement intended.

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Terms of Service
Yvonne Eckhoff #6713
My account has been disabled because of a picture I posted of kid Rock I disagree there's nothing wrong with that picture and I cannot get in back on Facebook Facebook has sent me a code I have tried this code does not work I asked to resend codes no answer
Savany Willsey #6738
Hello there. I need your help! My facebook has been hacked and I need help to retrieve it. The person who hacked my fb unlinked my email address associated with my account. Please help.
Maria Velazquez #6765
Hello my fb has been hacked I've gone round and round online with fb I e sent my I'd n it lets me change my password and then it says I need a login number which I have no way to retrieve. I need help bad I'm so frustrated that people can do this and get away with it this is the second time I e been hacked I don't know how to get this login number it asks for
Todd Miller #6848
I have the same issue. We’re you able to get this resolved? If so how?
Marilyn Butler #6773
I wanted to know why my Facebook has be disabled and i want to get back on it and i cant and i have a lot of pictures on there and some pictures that mean a lot to me i want this sort now its not right
Candis #6873
I'm feeling the same I have many pictures facebook. I've cried for weeks. I hope they come up with better support options or links or customer service like Yahoo has . It would really help.
Josh lazier #6778
Do you guys have my Facebook blocked from the reason?
Kaylene Sehm #6787
Hello my Facebook account was hacked I woke up and was locked out so I did everything to changing my email back to the real one and now it says I need a code generator in which I have to be on the account to get. I believe my account is disabled for the time being but I really need help as to how to get back into it I tryed doing the identification verification with my Id and honestly got no where I’ve had this account for years with no problems I really don’t want to lose all of my years of memories please help me recover my account.Thank you and I hope that you can help me solve this problem
Roderick Thomas #6788
Ms Garland, I was recently hacked via my facebook page by some scammers. They have disabled my email address to my account and phone number therefore I can not get into facebook to update contact informationWhat they’ve also have done is that they have a “block” on my facebook account whereas even if I put my email into the box that stste to update tyoe in email or phone number. Well the hackers have that box rigged whereas whatever number I put in NO VERIFICATIIN COSE GO TO THAT NUMBER OR EMAIL. THEREFORE FACEBOOK DO NOT RECOGNIZE ME!I want my old account back and I would be happy to get on zoom so that facebook can see O am the person whom picture is and friends are attached to the account in question
Ismma #6791
I can’t log in to Facebook when I do reset password some else’s email is put in so I can’t change my password someone has hacked my account
Raymond S Officer #6810
My situation is complicated the person that hacked my account has real info that proves that they are me by tricking me in to giving them my real info. The person that assisted in hacking my account is someone I know. when I sent the info in to facebook at first they would send me the recovery info but after I try to recover the hacker put a 2 step authenticator on my account and changed the e mail. then they logged me out of all my accounts and now facebook don't recognize any of my devices or my log in information. SO as of now my account is locked but eventually the person that stole my facebook will be able to activate it and scam my friends because they have the e mail and the password that they set on my account. I need real help and I just don't Know how to get to facebook
Sabir hussain #6811
There is account creat by some one on my sister name need facebook to close it
Stephanie Hilpert #6824
I have a hacker in my account and I've been locked out, so I disabled my account which I kind of regret. Now I think the hack probably has control of it. I can't get any help from Facebook. It really sucks.
Adegboyega Feyisola Sotunde #6849
I could not log in my Facebook on my new phone because I forgot my password and my email wasn't recognized by yahoo.My Facebook email. : shollyfirstlady@yahoo. comPhone nob 08168737640
Gill #6852
Bought item from the market place. Did not receive item. Reported to fb no reply. Now the seller has my bought items up for sale again. Thanks facebook for helping me out! Not
Makayla Davis #6856
My Facebook account has been hacked
Vera Tatiana Phiri #6863
Please help me recover my Facebook account Tatiana Vera PhiriI think someone hacked me please help me
Md Hannan miah #6868
Hello Facebook team. I am using facebook from 2009.The code is not coming in my Facebook and my phone is lost so please open my Facebook.Facebook id: {{{Redacted}}}:Thanks for supporting
Candis #6872
Do you know if you have to be logged in to confirm your identity to retrieve your personal account ?
Fapis Hohom #6880
My profile picture has been hijacked and scammers are posting on face users and telling to apply for loan. Please help me delete my profile for this 2 names. 1. George Hohom. 2. Fapis Hohom. For reply contact me on WhatsApp number: {{{Redacted}}}.
Anonymous #6884
Hi sirThere is a problem with my ID and my old mobile is broken so I can't login my Facebook ID on my new phone. I have updated my national id card before but now after giving nice pick my id is not returned please return my id thanks
Mikela harper #6887
Someone is pretending to be me with fake face book account on my name