Rachel Bashford
Rachel Bashford
Consumer Expert

During the summer, there’s no better feeling than cooling off in a refreshing pool – particularly if it’s your own above ground pool situated in the convenience of your backyard. 

However, with a rise in above ground pool scams and scammers, you should know the warning signs and smart tips to help you avoid falling into the trap. 

Key Insights

  • Major warning signs of above ground pool scams include deceptive advertising, unrealistic pricing, pressure tactics or missing official licenses. 
  • Above ground pool reviews reveal lots of helpful information, guiding you to choose an authentic pool company with the right products to suit your needs. 
  • There are a variety of warranties you can buy for your above ground pool. Make sure you get cover that will adequately protect your pool if something goes wrong. 

What Is an Above Ground Pool?

Buying an above ground pool is a big deal for most people. Whatever your reason for considering an above ground pool installation, there’s no doubt you’ll be excited to get it in place and start to use the pool.

It sits on the ground in your back garden or external space. Though these pools are a little more flexible than an in-ground on internal pool, buying an above ground pool is still a big decision as it could last you for years.

There is a huge range of above ground pool companies to choose from. Many are reputable and have been around for a long time. The market seems buoyant, but in practice it can be tricky to select the right one for your needs.

Above ground pool complaints

One thing to be sure of is to take note of pool reviews when you’re considering buying an above ground pool. With this in mind, PissedConsumer.com has a collection of 8.7K online reviews of pool and spa companies. 

There’s also data sent in by customers so you can choose the appropriate pool and save yourself from any above ground pool scams. 

Consumers often raise issues, such as “Is Blue World Pools Legit?” These consumer comment threads can provide real insight into how consumers feel about above ground pool companies scams and interactions with pool suppliers. 

According to 2024 research, there are 10.4 million US residences with a pool. Of these, 41% are above ground pools. Research also suggests that swimming pools can boost the value of a home by up to 7%.

With so many people fitting above ground pools, it’s sensible to check customer reviews of pool companies to see if they have the experience and customer satisfaction levels you’d want for your above ground pool installation.

Pool Companies Rating

Above ground pools are popular for many reasons, such as:

  • relative affordability compared to other types of pools than other types of pools;
  • variety of shapes and sizes; 
  • option to select the design;
  • possibility to store away when required.

Here is a comparison of the four most discussed above ground pool companies on our platform. This data is created by customers leaving reviews who also ask questions about the companies and their above ground pools. 

Customer feedback can uncover plenty of vital information about a company and its products. There can be indications of how trustworthy a company is, but also customer reviews may suggest there are issues that need to be resolved or services requiring improvement.

The table below highlights the customer data regarding the four companies customers comment on the most regarding above ground pools. The scores* are out of 5. As you can see, the customer service teams for all four companies only receive one star from their reviewing customers.


Blue World Pools / 1.4*

Polygroup / 1.4*

Namco Pools / 1.6*

Bestway Pools/ 1.7*

Customer service

Rating distribution (negative : positive)

89% : 7%

93% : 2%

90% : 5%

83% : 6%

Resolved issues





Successful calls





Unfortunately, above ground pool scams are becoming more common. As more people are searching for pools to enjoy at home, it’s clear that scammers have moved into this market to exploit well-meaning consumers. 

There are a range of ways that customers have experienced scams with above ground pools while working with companies they trusted but sadly let them down. 

Warning Signs of Above Ground Pool Scams

Whenever you make a significant investment in your home or garden, it seems sensible to do your research beforehand so you can be confident you’re giving money to an honest tradesperson or company. 

As a result, potential above ground pool customers should be able to recognize the following red flags that may be a signal they are about to be scammed and may end up with no pool or a poor-quality item. 

Deceptive advertising

If a company is advertising 20% off the price of an above ground pool, but when you check their actual prices they are all sold out of this deal, think twice about using the company. 

Unrealistic pricing

When you ask your pool company for a quote and they come in well below the other quotes, you should ask yourself if this is real or a scam. 

Pressure tactics

Does your pool company keep ringing, emailing and messaging you to tell you there is only a short time left to buy? This is unreasonable pressure and is a sign they may take your money and run. 

No official license

Some above ground pool scammers will pretend to operate under another builder’s license or their license may be outdated or missing. These are all red flags of pool scams and are signs you should find a legitimate company. 

Above Ground Pool Scams

You may have heard stories about pool scams before. Through consumer reviews, we can get a really clear picture of what’s happened to some consumers and how this has negatively impacted them relating to above ground pool complaints.

If you’re thinking of buying an above ground pool, make sure you investigate all of these issues so that you’re fully informed and know how to buy an above ground pool safely. 

Above ground pool cost

A common consumer comment when registering pool companies complaints is that the cost can be quite high. Many customers don’t realize that interest rates keep rising and some unscrupulous pool companies constantly increase the payments so people are paying far more than they signed up for in the first place. 

In Blue World Pools review #4837571, customers have complained that the final price for the complete installation of their above ground pool was significantly higher than the initial quote due to finance interest rates growing steeply:

They don’t tell you when they finance that the interest rate keeps rising and you end up paying $40,000 to $50,000 for a $3,000 pool…They scam you with lies and you dont even realize it until its too late.

Additionally, there are evidently some issues with Blue World Pools customer service. In review #2789887 consumers reported that they were made to sign multiple contracts that dramatically increased the complete cost of swimming pool installation:

Purchased a pool, signed a contract once installation was completed they made me sign another contract which TRIPLED the cost of the pool.

It’s no surprise that Blue World Pools reviews have indicated an estimated $741,098 total claimed losses as a company in light of these consumer experiences. The Blue World Pools complaints suggest that Blue World Pools customer support isn’t delivering the kind of service consumers would like. 

Above ground pool parts and quality

Pool consumers often ask: Are Polygroup pools good quality? And they want to know about return policies and warranties. 

Customers leaving Polygroup reviews state that they sometimes have concerns about the quality of their above ground pool and the parts included. 

Polygroup complaints  have been known to highlight pools that are somewhat faulty and do not remain intact long term like in review #3774849:

New pool busted at the seam. Almost 4000 gallons of water gone in two minutes. Less than two weeks old. Customer service would do nothing but say maybe in six months we could get a liner.

above ground pool leakage

In fact, there are a number of above ground pool companies that consumers are reviewing to pinpoint poor parts and disappointing quality. Here, a Bestway Pools review #4911085 discusses how their pool has rusted quickly despite the company promising superior products:

Top rubber going around the rail on my pool has rotted the metal legs holding the pool up.

rusty above ground pools

This customer feels they have not been satisfactorily dealt with by Bestway Pools and as such they want to spotlight these issues for other consumers through the Bestway Pools reviews thread. 

Pool warranty

When you buy a pool, investing in a warranty can save you from making expensive repair payments if anything goes wrong. There are a number of different types of warranty you can take out, such as a structural warranty which provides cover for any manufacturing defects and should protect the structure of your above ground pool. 

In addition, there are installation warranties to cover the installation process and internal warranties that aim to protect the internal qualities of a pool, like the internal gel coat color finish. 

Even though many customers buy an above ground pool warranty, some are left disappointed as it provides insufficient cover or customer service won’t help them with their issue. 

According to some Namco Pools reviews, a few customers have experienced their pool cover breaking within two years of purchase as it is described in review #3506726:

I sent pictures and Namco Pools said it was caused by wind whipping and is not covered under the warranty.

above ground pool and holes

In fact, review #5701471 reveals that some of Bestway Pools customers have undergone a similar experience:

After trying to get in touch with best way for a couple months…I finally got a phone number to … inform them that after one season my legs are rotted out they are telling me that the legs are only warranty for 6 months.

bestway pool with rust

Above ground pool customer service

According to information provided by consumers when writing about above ground pool scams, there are a number of customers who feel customer service can be intermittent in terms of quality in some pool companies. 

An example of this is highlighted in review #4652129 where the customer found Namco Pools to have poor pool installation and “rude” customer service :

After two failed instalments and multiple filter failures, they strong armed my husband into signing a letter stating that after they send the next filter they are no longer responsible for the warranty of the brand new pool…they have been nothing but rude.

In the Polygroup Pool review #4775539, this customer describes how their new pool was damaged from the beginning and customer service wouldn’t help them resolve their situation:

Customer service made me go round and round the pool searching for leaks with a spray bottle. When I couldn't find the leak they told me that they couldn't help me.

Tips to Buy the Best Above Ground Pool

Working out how to buy an above ground pool might look a little complicated on the surface, but once you have decided on your above ground pool cost ballpark, it can be easier than you think.

Being a smart buyer and researching the topic and key above ground pool companies thoroughly will help your decision-making process become clear and protect you against above ground pool scams.

Smart above ground pool tips

1. Avoid ‘too good to be true’ deals

Talk to as many pool companies and contractors as you can. Try to get word-of-mouth recommendations from people you know and trust. If a deal sounds like the best deal ever known, question this. Above ground pool cost is not tiny and you shouldn’t expect to pay too little.

2. Look at the company rating

When you read online reviews, you’ll notice company ratingsThese give you a solid idea around how this company has performed in the past, and whether you can trust them with your money now. If the rating is consistently low, try to find another pool company to buy from.

3. Check contractor information

Read all of the contracts and information available online. If you can’t see something important, ask customer service to clarify points. Make sure you know if subcontractors will be involved in any part of the installation or upkeep process, and ask for proof they are legally approved to install or look after your above ground pool.

4. Read online reviews

Review as many as you can, use trusted sources and make sure you know how the company operates and the levels of quality involved in their products before you sign. 

Stay Informed to Avoid Above Ground Pool Scams

As buying a pool is an investment, it makes total sense to investigate the companies you are thinking of contacting as much as possible. 

Review their website, read all of their online customer reviews and check to see if these seem too good to be true. Every company will have a few negative reviews, but if the bad outweigh the good, this is a definite sign to steer away and find someone else. 

Being informed and aware of all above ground pool scams will help support your decision to install a pool successfully – one that will hopefully provide you with enjoyment for years to come. 

If you have an above ground pool purchasing experience, sharing your experience can really help other consumers stay aware and may even help you resolve any issues. 


*Disclaimer: Ranking and statistics are based on our users’ review texts and Pissed Consumer posters’ reviews. Also, a company’s rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in the profile, including users’ rating, the number of resolved issues, the number of company’s responses, etc. The algorithm is subject to change in the future.

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  1. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide any legal, medical, accounting, investment or any other professional advice as individual cases may vary and should be discussed with a corresponding expert and/or an attorney.
  2. All or some image copyright belongs to the original owner(s). No copyright infringement intended.

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