Winnie Murugi
Winnie Murugi
Health and Beauty Expert

Instagram has over 1 billion users monthly, making it one of the largest social media platforms in the world. However, it is one of the top-complained companies on Customers regularly leave reviews about having issues with Instagram accounts, hacks, account ban, difficulty logging in, fraudulent activities by other users, challenges using the app, and many more.

The reviews also indicate that customers want to know how to contact support when the Instagram customer service chat, email, or phone number doesn't help to get issues resolved. Here's a brief overview of the platform rating based on collected complaints.

Instagram Question and Answers

Number of Instagram reviews – 12.2K

Instagram rating* – 1.9⭐⭐

Instagram claimed losses – $10.6M

Successful calls – 34%/110K

Resolved issues – 133

To help you figure out how to contact Instagram customer support, we've outlined all options here:

  1. Is Instagram customer service good?
  2. How to call Instagram support?
  3. How to contact customer service via email?
  4. How to contact customer service via app?
  5. How to report your issue to Instagram support?

1. Is Instagram Customer Service Good?

Numerous reviews on PissedConsumer indicate that Instagram has poor customer service.

For instance, in Instagram review #3417412, the customer expressed their frustration with the social media platform. Their attempt to call Instagram customer support was futile and they couldn’t get their issue resolved.

Instagram review about hacked account

On PissedConsumer, Instagram has a 2-star rating, GlassDoor gives it 3.6 stars, while BBB grating is 1 star.

The most common Instagram complaints include:

  • Poor customer support, difficulty getting through via Instagram customer service email or phone number.
  • Unexplainable account deactivation or block.
  • Nudity on the platform.
  • Scammers and fraudulent activities by other users.
  • Challenges with Instagram login.

2. How to Call Instagram Support?

You might struggle to find an Instagram support phone number on the app or website. However, there is a phone number provided on various websites including PissedConsumer. Thus, when you search for the Instagram customer service phone number, you will be offered only this number: (650) 543-4800.

According to Instagram review #2850480, the phone number does not go through to a customer service representative. When you call Instagram support number, it diverts to an automated voice system where you are directed to follow certain online instructions to resolve the issue. You can find similar instructions in the Instagram help center.

Instagram makes it impossible to resolve any problems you have. Ive tried calling customer support and leads you to an automated voice system they use.

Instgram review about customer support via phone

3. How to Contact Instagram Customer Service via Email?

According to answers on Quora, the Instagram customer service email is It was initially open for customers to reach out to support, but it is no longer open. When you send a message to this Instagram customer service email, you receive an automated response referring you back to the help center to resolve the issue.

This is evidenced by the numerous complaints that indicate that users do not get a response to the Instagram customer support emails they send out.

However, Instagram customer support does communicate with users via a no-reply email. Therefore, if you contact Instagram customer service help in-app e.g. by reporting an issue, they might respond by sending you an email. This option might be more helpful than calling the Instagram support phone number.

For instance, Instagram review #2879776 indicates that the customer received an email from after updating their email address.

Instagram review on account issue

4. How to Contact Instagram Customer Service via App?

The best method of contacting Instagram customer service help is in-app or on their help center. The Instagram help center provides step-by-step solutions for the most common issues.

For instance, according to Instagram reviews, one of the top issues is how to log in to an account. If the Instagram support phone number didn’t help, you can report such an issue via the app. Here is how to contact Instagram support in-app on Android and iPhone.


  • Go to the Instagram app.
  • On the login screen, find the “get help logging in” tap below the log in button.
  • Provide your username, phone number, or email address, or choose the option to log in with Instagram.
  • Tap on Next. You will be led through a series of on-screen instructions to resolve the issue.


  • Go to the Instagram app.
  • On the login screen, find the “forgot password” tap below the log in button.
  • Select “Username” or “phone number”.
  • Provide your username, phone number, or email address, or choose the option to log in with Instagram.
  • Tap on Next. You will be led through a series of on-screen instructions to resolve the issue.

5. How to Report Your Issue to Instagram Support?

To report an issue, go to the Instagram help center either in your app or via a web browser. To access the Instagram help center in-app:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to your profile page.
  • Tap on the settings icon.
  • Scroll down towards the bottom of the menu where the help center link is.

Instagram Help Center link button

To report an issue:

Scroll down on the main menu to “Policies and Reporting”.

Instagram Help Center policies and reporting

You will be provided with a list of issues you can report about including:

  • Spread of false information on Instagram.
  • Different types of content e.g. someone’s story, IGTV, reel, post, products, and messages.
  • Copyright infringement.
  • Harassment and bullying.
  • Blackmailing.
  • Someone threatening to share your private content.
  • Children under 13.
  • Images that sexually exploit children.

Instagram Help Center How to report things

For these issues, reporting through the app is more effective than sending messages to Instagram customer service email or calling a phone number. The easiest way to report abusive or spam content is by tapping on the report option on the content itself.


There is no real person on the other end when you call the support phone number or attempt to find an Instagram customer service live chat. Neither an Instagram customer service email address nor a way to chat with a support representative. This makes it quite difficult for users to contact Instagram customer support for help. Users have to rely on the help center to find answers. You can also login into your Instagram account to report an issue.

Have you attempted to contact Instagram customer support for help? You can share your issue with others by leaving a review.

*The company ratings on the PissedConsumer website are calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in the company’s profile. The algorithm parameters are: users’ rating, the number of resolved issues, the number of company responses and more. The PissedConsumer algorithm is also subject to change in the future.

Legal disclaimers:

  1. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide any legal, medical, accounting, investment or any other professional advice as individual cases may vary and should be discussed with a corresponding expert and/or an attorney.
  2. All or some image copyright belongs to the original owner(s). No copyright infringement intended.

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Kimberly Hampton to #2064
Someone has hacked my account and I’m not able to get help or access to May Instagram account. Please.
Marc Hayden #2076
I have been hacked an the person is still using my Instagram can you please help I've got pictures of my children and late Mum
Anurag #2078
My account is lock please help me
Bobbi #2084
My insta account is hacked and they changed my password and email.On this account __beej02__ please delete this account
Michael Fu #2089
My account is action blocked since November 10, and I don't know what to do
Yol #2105
Hai Instagram I have a big issue I logged out my account and now they are asking me to enter the confirmation code, but Instagram ain't sending ever since last night , I don't know what's happening and it's stressful the fact I use my Instagram for important things
GelissaMorales #2108
Someone hacked my account and changed all my information. Now the person who hacked my account is try to hack other people using my page. Can you please help me get my account back??
Gabrielle juliff #2109
My account has been hacked which they change my email address and phone number, can you help me.
Gope #2111
Enter your email phone or username and we'll send you a link to get back into your account
Abdul Hadi #2113
Hi someone hacked my acount @abdulhadi127, instgram is not helping. Can you help please. Thanks
Christina Hedrick #2115
Hey , my Instagram is ssttiinnaa. _ and I no longer have access to the email or phone number I previously used and it's asking for a suspicious login attempt but I know the password I jus want my Instagram back please help
iyad alami #2116
Hello insta team I have an issue with my Instagram please I need help
Frht_Fariha01 #2119
I m lost of my account I can opn my account so plz help me
Mr Q8maas #2121
HiHow can I retrieve my account I can't access my account I used the help center with no benefit or answer and the company's email is not responding all the effort and memories I went to the wind and without a backup file for the account
Michelle oka #2128
Someone hacked my account and I can’t access my account anymore…. Why is it taking so long for customer service to solve these issues?…. Please email back !
Kaikaismama64 #2129
This is my username
Bryce Najee-ullah #2136
I can’t get into my account. My account is brycewatson.4. My password isn't working so can you please help me. Someone changed my number and password.
William Walls #2138
My account was hacked they changed email and password now I can get in..plz I need my account back it has all my music on it
Anil #2143
Dear Instagram my music only english song showing please problem solved
Kathy O #2147
I was in my Instagram account the other night, now for some reason I can not get back into it at all I know it’s still there because I have asked my niece to send me a picture of it!! I don’t remember the password because I’ve always just used the icon on my phone for it!!! Can someone please help me get back into it!! I have sites that I do business with on it!!!Users name: kathyosbinI can tell you what pictures I have and and most of my contacts!!! I did make a new one but I want my original one back!!!!Thank you please help me!!!