Winnie Murugi
Winnie Murugi
Health and Beauty Expert

Thanksgiving is a time of year to gather with family and friends. However, between the turkey and other grocery items, decorations, gifts, and other holiday needs, the cost of celebrations can quickly add up.  

According to a recent holiday shopping survey by PissedConsumer, 21% of respondents say they shop during Thanksgiving. However, 76% noticed that the cost of Thanksgiving dinner had become more expensive. 

Despite the increase in price items, with a few tips, you can put together a memorable yet budget-friendly celebration. Read on for tips on how to save money on Thanksgiving dinner. 

Key Insights

  • Carefully planning your grocery list ensures that you optimize your budget and prevent food wastage. 
  • Various PissedConsumer features enable you to compare different companies' reviews to make an informed purchase decision.
  • CBC report indicates that even though the rate of inflation is the lowest it has been since 2021, grocery prices continue to rise in 2024.

8 Tips to Save on Your Thanksgiving Shopping

Below are 8 practical Thanksgiving shopping tips to ensure you have a great time with your loved ones without overspending.

Plan your grocery list

Meal planning and budgeting your grocery shopping is one of the best money-saving Thanksgiving ideas. Having clarity of what will be on your celebratory menu and the exact grocery items you need prevents impulse buying. 

Therefore, start by creating your Thanksgiving menu. Then, break down the grocery items and the respective quantities required for each dish. Do a quick inventory of your freezer, fridge, and pantry to check which items you already have. Proceed, to create a shopping list for the items you do not have.

Celebrate at home

Thanksgiving is hard to imagine without a festive dinner, and many people plan to enjoy it outside. And while there's nothing wrong with choosing this option, it's important to realize that it can lead to extra expenses. On average, a dinner at an inexpensive restaurant costs almost 285% more than at home. In addition, according to the Bureau of Labor, the index of eating away from home rose by 3.9 percent over the past year, while the index of eating at home - by only 1.3 percent. 

Therefore, a home-cooked dinner can help you stay on budget and have a family spirit. But how can you save even more? A reddit user suggests splitting up cooking among guests if you're celebrating with a company. This way, you'll cut down on your shopping list and spend less time cooking.

how to spend thanksgiving on a budgetSource:

Shop early

Another smart holiday shopping tip is to shop for groceries early. It ensures you have ample time to identify, compare, and take advantage of discounts and promotions, but it is also a useful tactic for avoiding price hikes as Thanksgiving approaches. Furthermore, it helps avoid last-minute stress and overspending.

Save with coupons

One of the easiest ways to save on your Thanksgiving shopping is to use coupons, apps, and online deals. Thanks to the internet, you do not have to scout for magazines and flyers to find coupons. 

You can easily access coupons and deals on apps such as Ibotta, Rakuten, and Groupon, among others. This is also a great time to take advantage of cashback programs and loyalty rewards. 

So, before you head out to shop or make your order online, do your research to find deals. Visit the Gift Cards and Coupons category on for a comprehensive list of popular coupon and deal apps. You can also read reviews and check customer service information for each company.

Choose store-brand

Store-brand ingredients can significantly reduce your Thanksgiving grocery bill without sacrificing quality. Such items, commonly referred to as private labels, are typically produced by the same manufacturer as their name-brand counterparts. However, since marketing and packaging costs are reduced, they are sold at a lower price. 

However, store-brand products are not always cheaper, so Reddit users recommend "paying attention to what you grab."

thanksgiving shopping tipsSource:

Take advantage of comparison shopping

Comparison shopping is the key to finding the best deals. This is a particularly helpful tip if you are shopping for Thanksgiving on a budget. Take time to compare prices across different grocery stores.

Pay attention to significant price differences for items on your shopping list. You may find that one store has better discounts for canned goods while a different store offers better prices for fresh produce.

For example, we looked a frozen whole Butterball turkey  on the Target and Walmart websites and compared the price. Which is $0.99/lb and $1.04/lb accordingly. Although the difference per pound may seem insignificant, you might notice bigger price for a hen.

turkey prices, thanksgiving saving tipsSource: and

Limit amount of sides 

You do not need an elaborate spread of side dishes for your Thanksgiving meal. A smaller selection can be sufficient and will reduce your expenses significantly. 

When deciding on your menu, go for a few crowd-pleasers. Also, consider making them in larger quantities to ensure everyone gets sufficient serving. Classic sides such as mashed potatoes, rice, and roasted vegetables are great options.

Go with frozen products

Frozen products, including vegetables, fruits, and even meats, can be more affordable than their fresh counterparts. Therefore, consider buying frozen turkey or other frozen ingredients to save money and avoid the price spikes that often happen during the Thanksgiving season. Since frozen foods have a longer shelf life, you can buy them early on and store them in the freezer to avoid the last-minute rush.

Have a Memorable Yet Budget-Friendly Thanksgiving

Rising prices are not a reason to skip out on your beloved holiday. We hope the tips above will help you make informed purchasing decisions and plan an affordable Thanksgiving meal without compromising taste.

What are your go-to Thanksgiving cost-cutting tips? Share in the comments below. Also, what has been your experience with different sellers when shopping for Thanksgiving? Write a review on


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