Consumer Rights

How to Complain about Hostile Work Environment

How to Complain about Hostile Work Environment

Download a Sample Letter of a Complaint about Hostile Work Environment What makes a work environment hostile? A lot of employees do believe that a bully of a boss, impolite co-workers, personal animosity and unreasonable low salary can constitute a hostile work environment. The truth is, however, that a simple adversary dialog, a conflict with management or lack of perks is not enough to claim a hostile work environment. The concept in law is much broader. A number of standards must be achieved to assert that an environment is indeed hostile. So, how can you determine if you’ve come across a hostile...
How to Write a Complaint Letter to the EEOC

How to Write a Complaint Letter to the EEOC

You have the right to work in the United States without harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, simply having the right doesn’t always mean that your rights are properly enforced. If you are being harassed at work or illegally discriminated against in your workplace, you are rightfully able to assert your rights...
How and When You Can Make a Complaint against a Supervisor

How and When You Can Make a Complaint against a Supervisor

A question as to how and when you can complain about your boss always remains embarrassing. The reason is that unwarranted complaints can jeopardize the working environment and career. However, there are situations when the actions of a supervisor should be confronted. Types of complaints an employee can file depend...