
Top GearBest.Com Question: “How Do I Delete my Gearbest Account?”

Top GearBest.Com Question: “How Do I Delete my Gearbest Account?”

Gearbest's account cancellation policy is rather obscure. We could not find any place on that explained to users how they could delete or cancel their accounts. From this lack of information, we can only assume that consumers looking for account cancellation information should try contacting the company directly through their online form to cancel their accounts. Another option for customers could be to log into their account and attempt to cancel and/or cancel it by contacting Gearbest's customer help. Contacting Gearbest's customer care division may prove to be challenging, as some Gearbest reviews have indicated. For example, one customer wrote that they...
Get Help with FreedomPop Questions like “How Do I Get a Refund from...

Get Help with FreedomPop Questions like “How Do I Get a Refund from”

FreedomPop is a wireless internet and virtual network company that provides "free" mobile services such as data and text. Like with many online wireless companies, customers have questions and complaints about problems they've encountered. We have compiled consumers’ top questions to FreedomPop on PissedConsumer like how to contact FreedomPop customer...
What Should You Know About Strange Warranty Policies

What Should You Know About Strange Warranty Policies

The warranty claim requires YOU to destroy the faulty item. To make it even more painful you need to take a picture of the pieces you tore the product into. Let’s have а look at the most common cases of strange warranty and replacement/return policies: The act of ritual sacrificing The product that you’ve...